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Is water the cause of skin problems?

Have you or your loved ones been plagued by frustrating and uncomfortable skin problems lately? Whether you have dry skin on your hands or acne on your face or back, you may want to know what caused the problem and how to solve it. If you have tried various hypothetical solutions and only find that your skin problem has not been eliminated, it may be time to look for answers in more unexpected places. For example, although many people quickly believe that the cause of skin problems can be attributed to their choice of soap, the problem may be the use of water when washing!

Believe it or not, tap water containing "harmless" additives (such as chlorine, magnesium or iron) can negatively affect already sensitive skin. To make matters worse, it is difficult to determine when water is the cause of skin problems. After all, this is not necessarily the first thing that many of us think of. However, it is important to note that skin problems are likely to be caused by tap water. Today, we will discuss four skin problems that may be caused by water.

Acne breakout
Although many of us believe that acne outbreaks should be reserved for teenagers, this is not the case. Although you may wish to live the life of acne, you may be currently dealing with acne breakthrough and the cause cannot be determined. If you have recently changed soaps and specialty products and are still suffering from acne, you may want to consider whether to blame drinking water.

Hard water with a lot of magnesium, iron, and/or calcium may interfere with your soap bubbles, and mineral spots can actually end up clogging your pores. This creates various types of perfect storms, and acne forms every time you wash your shoulders, back or face.

Itching, red skin and hives
As far as the skin is concerned, when it comes to pollutants in tap water, one of the worst things you may encounter is high levels of chlorine. Although many communities added chlorine to the tap water during the processing stage to kill microorganisms, the chlorine was not filtered out of the water supply again afterwards.

Just like a swimming pool, excessive exposure to chlorinated water can cause redness and itching of the skin, and even hives for people with particularly sensitive skin. Although your skin may look like an allergic reaction, it is not. For example, if your skin turns red or starts to itch after washing your hands or face, you should know that this is actually a mild chemical burn caused by excessive chlorine.

Dry and flaky skin
When you have a lot of hard water in your home, it is not uncommon for uncomfortable dry skin to begin to peel off. If you find a particularly "squeaky" sensation after bathing, this is the classic indication that you have hard water. In turn, this may be the cause of your chronic dry skin problems.

So, what caused it? The minerals found in hard water are desiccants, and when you come into contact with hard water, your skin will not be able to maintain healthy moisture levels. These minerals may hinder the skin's ability to absorb moisture, making it difficult to keep the skin hydrated and healthy for a long time. Are you curious about whether there is hard water at home? There are simple DIY tests that you can perform to test hard water in your home.

Increased risk of skin cancer
Finally, if another chemical element that can cause skin problems is found in the water in your home, it is arsenic. Arsenic exists naturally in the earth's crust and can be released into groundwater under certain conditions. If you are a person who relies on groundwater (for example, a private well) as a source of drinking water, you should know that long-term exposure to arsenic can adversely affect your skin. In fact, studies have shown that after five years, prolonged exposure to arsenic will cause skin thickening and pigmentation, skin damage before malignant transformation, and even increase the risk of skin cancer.

The likelihood of these skin problems depends entirely on how much arsenic you consume and whether you live in an area heavily contaminated with arsenic in the water. If your main source of drinking water is groundwater, we strongly recommend that you conduct regular arsenic tests. In this way, you will protect the health of you and your family!

Standing water dispenser

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